of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station

Branta Cover Language of the article: Ukrainian Cite: Fesenko, H. V. (2018). Traditions of usage of national species and genus names in scientific works. Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station, 21, 7-18 Keywords: the Ukrainian bird nomenclature, names of genera and species, orders of usage Views: 1586 Branta copyright Branta license

Branta Issues > Issue №21 (2018)

Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station, 7-18


Traditions of usage of national species and genus names in scientific works

H. V. Fesenko

Schmalhausen Institute for Zoology, NAS of Ukraine

The article deals with the analysis of using different forms of species and genus national bird names in faunistics issues and special works on nomenclature in Ukrainian, published over the last century and a half. In the middle of the 19th century, when our national natural nomenclature was first presented in the works of  I. Verkhratsky, five types of names were introduced to denominate biological species.  It is shown, that in the 20th century it became traditional to represent the species names in the order of the Latin nomenclature, i.e. in form of  «noun + adjective». Some Ukrainian researchers, who initially used the Ukrainian species names in the form of «adjective + noun», later became adherents of the use of species names in the opposite word order. In addition, the Ukrainian species names can traditionally be one-word if they are individual (e.g., «berkut», «balaban», «bryzhach», «grak» etc.). The opposite word order in two-word names happens only occasionally. Probably, this form of names in our national scientific literature has arisen under the influence of some foreign languages. Moreover in the Ukrainian nomenclature of birds there is a tradition of using both one-word and two-word genus names. The history of the Ukrainian bird nomenclature shows examples when two-part name of the genus in the sequence «adjective + noun» was supplemented by the adjective in the postpositions to form the species name. In this way many three-word names of species were formed, but ornithologists did not use them in practice. Over the past two decades, there has been a tradition to present  genus names in the form of «adjective + noun». This gives an opportunity to distinguish similar names of bird species and genus, consisting of two words. It is suggested that if the name of the genus consists of «adjective + noun», then for the formation of the species names of this genus it is necessary to use only the corresponding noun. In addition, it is specified that all names of genera must be written with a capital letter to show individual character of each genus name, while similar species names must be written with a small one, since they can be used not only to refer to species taxon but also as an analogue of the word «bird».

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