of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station

Branta Cover Language of the article: Russian Cite: Gorlov, P. I., Annenkov, A. B., Siokhin, V. D., Sidorenko, A. I. (2017). Seasonal migrations of birds in the interfluve of the Domusla and the Korsak Rivers (Pryazovske District, Zaporizhzhia Region) due to the wind power farm located there: new technologies in the service of field ornithology. Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station, 20, 98-121 Keywords: bird migrations, wind farm, threat assessment, new technologies. Views: 1144 Branta copyright Branta license

Branta Issues > Issue №20 (2017)

Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station, 98-121


Seasonal migrations of birds in the interfluve of the Domusla and the Korsak Rivers (Pryazovske District, Zaporizhzhia Region) due to the wind power farm located there: new technologies in the service of field ornithology

P. I. Gorlov, A. B. Annenkov, V. D. Siokhin, A. I. Sidorenko

Biodiversity Research Institute, Melitopol

The results of field observations of spring and autumn bird migrations in the interfluves of the Domuzla River and the Korsak River in 2010-2016 have been analyzed. The work has been carried out as a part of a planned monitoring of the ornithological situation in the vicinity of the Botievo wind power plant (Pryazovske District, Zaporizhzhia Region). During 55 trips with a total duration 245 days, information about the spring (28 trips 120 days) and autumn (27 trips 125 days) migrants has been collected. The taxonomic composition of the ornithocomplex, phenology of migration, height and direction of the migration by seasons and months have been characterized. New methods of data collection, storage and processing have been proposed, including mapping, server storage and data processing with the help of two web-applications. For the purpose of detailed characterization of migration processes on the local territory, vector mathematics methods and computer vision algorithms have been used. The result of the analysis was a map of the gradients of the concentration of seasonal bird migrations, which allows for a differential approach to the assessment of threats for birds from working wind power units. The influence of the Botievo wind power plant on birds during seasonal migrations is estimated as low.

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