of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station
The western part of the steppe Crimea is still a poor searched region of the peninsula. Regular annual searches cover only the Lebyazhy Islands, northeastern area of the region.
Material is based on results of observations carried out on the stationary plot of Lebyazhy Islands and adjacent areas over the period 1958-2003 under target themes of the Crimean Natural Reserve, Nikitskiy Botanical Garden and international projects "PIN-MATRA 2000-2002" BirdLife International and Wetlands International - AEME (1998).
Colonies of Pelecaniformes and Ciconiiformes concentrate on the islands and along the coast of Karkinitsky Bay near the North-Crimean Canal. On the other areas of the region the colonies are absent because there they are both easy assessable for predators and suffer from little forageability of surrounding habitats.
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