of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station
The present work demonstrates results of retrospective analysis of avifauna composition for the plain part of the peninsula and changes in species phonological studies over the past 150 years. Prior to 1900 the bird list included 254 species, by 1950 avifauna already consisted of 266 species. Next 30 years 7 species were added, and nowadays aviafauna of the Plain Crimea has 287 species. However with an evident increase of number of taxa in the region only 240 species were registered in all periods of time. To analyze changes in phenological status 262 species were chosen. For 17 species it is hard to follow the temporal dynamics of their stay because they are poorstudied due to rarity or hidden lifestyle. For 9 species the identification of their type of stay was changed depending on how thoroughly their presence on the peninsula had been scrutinized. 28 species keep stable their type of stay though changed numbers and distribution over the territory. Since the early 20th century 187 bird species did not change their type of stay whereas changes of that were recorded for 49 species
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