of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station

Branta Cover Language of the article: Russian Cite: Winter, S. V., Gorlov, P. I. (2019). About ontogenesis of Common Crane chicks. Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station, 22, 5-39 Keywords: ontogenesis, new embryonic apterium, Common Crane (Grus g. grus), Ukraine Published online: 08.01.2020 Views: 1403 Branta copyright Branta license

Branta Issues > Issue №22 (2019)

Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station, 5-39


About ontogenesis of Common Crane chicks

S. V. Winter 1, P. I. Gorlov 2

1 - Ziegelhuettenweg, 58, 60598 Frankfurt Main, Germany;
2 - Research Institute of Biodiversity of Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystems of Ukraine

There are no publications on the ontogenesis of Common Crane (Grus grus) chicks have been available up to now. We hope that our data collected in Eastern Ukraine in 1989–1998 will fill this void. In the period from hatching to the age of 43 days, 137 chicks from 30 nests were measured 935 times (2.25 measurements per chicks from one nest on average) and weighed 152 times. Pterilography and outer morphology of Common Crane chicks was described on the basis of the samples collected during the studies of reproductive biology of five crane species (G. grus, G. japonensis, G. vipio, G. canadensis and Anthropoides virgo). Age-related changes of the following characteristics were analyzed: coloration of the iris, pupil, eyelids, bill, tongue, mouth cavity, tibia, tarsus, toes, claws on toes; coloration and morphology of the egg tooth, claws on wings; the growth of the bill, the 3rd toe and its claw, tarsus, and body mass. In Common, White-naped, Sandhill, and Demoiselle cranes the mandibles of newly hatched chicks are not fused on the tip, which has a kind of a notch at that time. In Common Cranes, the left and right mandibles fuse at the age of 8 days. The grapth on the growth of the bill, the 3rd toe and its claw, body mass, and the length of tarsus are plotted and formulas expressing regressions of these characteristics are presented. Changes in the yolk sac and body mass during the first ten-day period of life are described, as well
as differences between chicks from the same nest and their behaviour in this period. А new yolk apterium for precocial birds (Apterium vitellinum) was described. The pterylosis of the upper surface of the wrist in downy chicks of five crane species was compared. The embryonic apterium of the upper surface of the wrist (Apterium manuale embryonale) in chicks is much larger than in the definitive plumage of Common Crane

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