of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station
Investigations into the passerine species composition, numbers and distribution in the reed beds of Stensovsko-Zhebriyanskie Plavni (the Danube Biosphere Reserve) were carried out during the breeding, post-breeding (June 1996, July 2000) and migration (August-September 1995) periods. The study was a part of several GEF and WWF projects. Data were collected during route counts and mist-netting rounds in 7 monitoring areas (Fig. I). 14 species of passerines were recorded in the wetlands of Stensovsko-Zhebriyanskie Plavni during the breeding season and 19 species were noted during the migration period. In all monitoring areas Reed Warbler was a predominant species, while major sub-dominants were Savi’s Warbler, Great Reed Warbler and Bearded Tit (Tabl. 1-3). Quantitative estimates of species diversity in different monitoring areas based on Shennon's index (Tabl. 5) and analysis of seasonal number dynamics of different species (Fig. 2, Tabl. 3, 7-8) are given. Some data on distribution of a scarce species - Moustached Warbler are presented. The influence of mosaic habitat structure, as well as some other parameters on the species composition and diversity of passerines are discussed.
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