of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station

Branta Cover Language of the article: Russian Cite: Gerzhik P, I. . (2000). Breeding birds of the Tuzlovskaya spit.. Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station, 3, 7-12 Views: 710 Branta copyright Branta license

Branta Issues > Issue №3 (2000)

Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station, 7-12

Breeding birds of the Tuzlovskaya spit.

Gerzhik I.P.

The Tuzlovskaya spit is situated in Tatarburnarski district of Odessa region. It is a sand bar which cuts the limans of Burnas, Alibei and Shagany of the Black Sea. The spit stretches for 26 km from the NE to SW, its extreme points are the village of Lebediovka and Maliy Sasyk liman. It ranges 100-250 m in width, the coast line from the liman side is indented and abundant of small accumulative formations. These tiny islands and spits provide breeding areas for a number of colonial Charadriformes (fig). 16 breeding species were recorded with 5 more species, which breeding has not been confirmed (table). The colonies are suffered from wild boars, red foxes and raccoon-dogs, which frequently visit them. The northern winds, rising water in the limans, negatively affect breeding success of the birds. Storms, coming from the south, can destroy the bar and fill the limans with the sea water. That also results in the rise of water level. High increase of water level has especially negative impact on the breeding success of birds. Recreation pressure does not seem to have significant negative effect on the breeding success of birds, especially in the last years, as the majority of rest houses on the spit almost do not function. There is some positive effect of making canals between limans and sea by fishermen. This slightly rises water level and increases breeding success of birds. Total number of breeding colonial birds is estimated over 1000 pairs.

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