of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station
Data on the Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis L.) mortality and its causes in the local settlements on the North of the Azov-Sea coast during period from 1993 to 1999 are given. Recoveries of birds ringed as nestlings are analysed. Average duration of life made 1.75 years, with a maximum of 11 years. Juvenile mortality of birds originating from Obitochnaya spit made 68.5%. 64.4% of those from Molochnyi liman also die on the first year of life. Mortality decreases in the second year to 2.4-8.2% (table 1). Most Cormorants are killed by hunters (39.7%), a part gets into the fishing nets (11.6%), some die due to natural reasons (9.5%). For a large proportion of birds causes of mortality remain unknown (45.1%) (table 2). High mortality of birds on the first and second year of life due to the anthropogenic pressure prevents local population from a quick increase.
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