of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station

Branta Cover Language of the article: Russian Cite: Nadtochiy S, A. ., Chemikov F, V. . (1999). Paddyfleld Warbler is a new breeding species in ornithofauna of Kharkov region. Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station, 2, 195-198 Views: 704 Branta copyright Branta license

Branta Issues > Issue №2 (1999)

Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station, 195-198

Paddyfleld Warbler is a new breeding species in ornithofauna of Kharkov region

Nadtochiy A.S., Chemikov V.F.

Two isolated settlements of Paddyjietd Warbler (Acrocephalus agricola) were found on 18’ May 1999 in Barvenkovski region on the Lake of Kuplevatoe near the village Novonikolaevka (totalling 22-28 pairs) and near the village Mechebilovo (17-20 pairs). Thus, breeding of Paddy field Warbler was confirmed. Two females and two males were caught in cats-tail and schoenoplectus biotopes on 30 May 1999 and collected for the Nature Museum of Kharkov National University. Two other males were ringed in the same area. Eight nests were found (Jour of them with clutches of 2, 4, 5, 6 eggs, while four others had not been completed). Alt of them were situated at a height of 19-32 cm over the water on narrow-leafed plants of cat’s-tail. Building material of external layer in the nests consisted of cat’s-tail and sedge leaves, cat’s-tail “down”. Internal layer included reed inflorescence. Main parameters of nests and eggs are given in table 1.Two types of egg coloration were noted. Breeding density approximated 12-14 pairs/hectare. Distance between singing males was 6-8 m. Nests were located at 6-15 m from one another. This locality is the north most point within Paddyfteld Warbler breeding range in Ukraine.

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