of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station


Issue №7 (2004)

Opening address of the chief editor

Nowadays progress in the study of Herons in the south of Ukraine

Koshelev A.I., Koshelev V.A.

Species composition and numbers of Pelecaniformes and Ciconiiformes in the Dniester Delta

Rusev I.T.

Present characteristics of breeding settlements of herons species in the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve.

Yaremchenko O.A., Rudenko A.G.

History and dynamics of colonial settlements of Ciconiidae in the Eastern Crimea under the influence of anthropogenic succession at the Eastern Sivash and near Sivash area.

Grinchenko A.B.

Distribution and biology of Pelecaniformes and Ciconiiformes on the Lebyazhy Islands and surrounding area

Kostin S.Yu., Tarina N.A.

Dynamics of species composition and numbers of Ciconiiformes birds in the north near Azov area (1988-2004).

Koshelev A.I., Koshelev V.A., Peresad’ko L.V.

Colonial Pelecaniformes and Ciconiiformes birds of the eastern near Azov area

Belik V.P., Dinkevich M.A.

Dalmatian Pelican (Pelecanus crispus) in the south of Ukraine

Zhmud M.E.

Distribution, numbers and ecology of Pygmy Cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus) in the south of Ukraine

Grinchenko A.B.

Shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) in the south of Ukraine

Beskaravayny M.M.

Breeding history and dynamics of colonial settlements of Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) in the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve

Rudenko A.G., Yaremchcnko O.A.

Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) in the Crimea

Kostin S.Yu.

Review of epizootologic importance of Pelecaniformes and Ciconiiformes by the example of the Azov-Black Sea region.

Grekov V.S., Rusev I.T., Nekhoroshih Z.N., Shevchuk L.I., Malikova M.V., Varisheva T.N., Dzhurtubayeva G.N., Stepankovskaya L.D., Mogilevskaya Z.I.

Circulation of helminthes in colonies of Pelicaniformes and Ciconiiformes in the south of Ukraine

Kornyushin V.V., Smogorzhevskaya L.A., Iskova N.I.